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Bid Package Construction: A Complete Guide

Written By
John Souffront
Last Updated - November 21st, 2023 3:35 PM

When it comes to growth and profitability in the world of competitive businesses and industries, winning contracts through competitive bidding is crucial for your business. 

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the game, the key to success lies in creating a compelling bid package.

A well-structured bid package is your ticket to stand out in a crowded marketplace, win over clients, and secure projects that can propel your organization forward.

However, bid package construction goes beyond mere paperwork; it’s a strategic art that combines planning and clear communication. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the essentials of bid package construction. We’ll cover fundamental elements, stress the importance of effective communication, and provide strategies for tailoring your approach to meet specific bid requirements.

But before we learn about construction bid package, we first need to understand what’s a bid and how do bids work.

What’s a Bid, and How Do Bids Work?

A bid is a proposal that a contractor submits to a project owner or their representative to compete for a construction project or service. 

Component of bid package

These bids include information about the contractor’s qualifications, costs, and timeline for the project. 

Bids work by creating a competitive environment where the owners (such as government agencies, private companies, or individuals) can compare and evaluate different proposals and select the best one for the project.

The construction bidding process typically involves 9 steps:

1. Project Advertisement

The owner or client publicly advertises the construction project with a request for proposal (RFP), providing detailed project specifications, drawings, and any other relevant information. 

This advertisement can be done through various means, including newspapers, online platforms, or industry-specific publications.

2. Prequalification

In some cases, the owner may require contractors to go through a prequalification process. 

This process assesses the financial stability, experience, and capabilities of potential bidders. Only prequalified contractors are allowed to participate in the bidding process.

3. Bid Documents

The owner or their representative provides bid documents to interested contractors. These documents typically include:

1. Project plans and specifications: Detailed drawings and written descriptions of the project’s scope, materials, and quality standards.

2. Bid forms: Standardized forms that bidders must complete, providing their proposed costs, schedules, and other project-related information, including bidding drawing, and bill of materials or bill of quantities..

3. Instructions to bidders: Guidelines on how to prepare and submit a bid, including the deadline and required documentation.

4. Contract terms and conditions: The terms and conditions that will govern the construction project, including payment terms and dispute resolution mechanisms.


What’s a Bid, and How Do Bids Work?

4. Site Visits

Contractors may have the opportunity to visit the project site to assess the conditions, which can help them refine their bids.

5. Bid Preparation

Contractors prepare their bids, which typically include:


  1. Bid price: The total cost of the project, including materials, labor, equipment, and overhead expenses.
  2. Schedule: The proposed timeline for completing the project, including key milestones.
  3. Qualifications: Information about the contractor’s experience, capabilities, and references.
  4. Subcontractor bids: If applicable, the contractor may also include bids from subcontractors for specific parts of the project.
  5. Bonds and insurance: Proof of the contractor’s ability to meet bonding and insurance requirements.
  6. Any alternative proposals: Contractors may suggest alternative approaches or materials that could reduce costs or improve project efficiency.

6. Bid Submission

Bidders must submit their proposals by the specified deadline. The bids are usually sealed to maintain confidentiality.

7. Bid Opening

When it’s time to see what everyone brought to the table, the owner or their representative opens the bids publicly. The bid prices are read aloud and recorded. This process ensures transparency and fairness.

8. Bid Evaluation

After the bids are out in the open, the owner evaluates the bids based on various criteria, such as price, schedule, qualifications, and any alternative proposals. The lowest bid is not always the winning bid, as other factors are also considered.

9. Award of Contract

The owner selects the winning bid and awards the contract to the chosen contractor. This decision is typically based on a combination of price and other relevant factors. The selected contractor is then expected to sign a formal contract and begin work on the project.

Note: The bidding process may vary depending on the type of construction project, local regulations, and specific project requirements.

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Construction Bid Specifications

Construction bidding specifications are a project’s instruction manual for contractors. They lay out all the details about what’s needed, how big it is, and what materials to use. This helps both the project owner and the contractors.

Here’s what’s usually in these bid specs:


  1. Project Drawings: These are like pictures showing how the project should look. They help contractors see the size and features and figure out how much stuff and work is needed.
  2. Project Specifications: This is the written part that explains exactly what the project needs. It talks about the materials, how things should be done, and making sure everything is safe and meets the rules.
  3. Project Reports: These are extra papers with more info about the project. They might talk about the ground, the environment, traffic, or if it’s even possible to do the project. This helps contractors plan better.
  4. Draft Contract: This is like the early version of the legal agreement between the project owner and the contractor. It talks about how the project will happen, how much it will cost, and what rules everyone has to follow.


The project owner sends out all these details in a bid package, and contractors who want to work on the project look at this package and send in their bids. It’s like following the rules of a game to make things fair and clear for everyone involved in the construction project.

General and Supplemental Conditions of Bid Package

In a bid package, you find important details about how a project will be run. This includes general conditions, which are the rules everyone needs to follow. 

They cover things like:


  1. Project Management: How people communicate and report responsibilities.
  2. Site Management: How the site is accessed and how waste is removed.
  3. Permits, Licenses, and Regulations: Who gets permits, licenses, and follows laws and rules.
  4. Insurance and Bonding: What kind of insurance and bonds people need.
  5. Change Orders: How the contract can change, who approves it, and what it costs.
  6. Payment Terms: When and how people get paid, including any money held back.
  7. Dispute Resolution: How problems are solved and what happens if things go to court.
  8. Project Closeout and Warranty: How the project is finished, who owns it, and if there’s a warranty.

The bid package might also have supplemental conditions, which are details specific to the project, like special construction methods or local rules. 

Both general and supplemental conditions are crucial for contractors to think about because they affect costs. 

Owners use general conditions to make sure the project goes how they want, but they need to be careful not to make them too strict or it can make the project cost more.

4 Types of Construction Bids

There are four main types of construction bids: open, negotiated, selective, and serial. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the project’s scope, complexity, and budget.

1. Open Bids

Open bids are like an open invitation for any contractor or vendor who meets the basic requirements. They’re commonly used for public projects, where it’s crucial to be open and fair. 

Open bids can bring in more competition and lower costs, but sometimes, they might also mean lower quality and take a bit longer to evaluate.

2. Negotiated Bids

In negotiated bids, the owner talks directly with one contractor or vendor. These bids are often used for private projects, where the owner has more freedom to choose. 

Negotiated bids might mean better quality and quicker results, but sometimes, they can also lead to higher prices and less competition.

3. Selective Bids

Selective bids are when only a chosen group of prequalified contractors or vendors can participate. These bids are used for projects that need special skills or experience. 

Selective bids aim for better quality and less risk, but they may limit the number of potential bidders and increase the time and cost for prequalification.

4. Serial Bids

In serial bids, the same contractor or vendor gets chosen for lots of projects over time. This happens when the projects are alike in what they involve or where they are. 

Serial bids can create good long-term relationships and save money, but sometimes, they might mean fewer new ideas and less competition.

What is a Bid Package and Bid Package Construction?

As far as the definitions go, a bid package is a set of documents that are needed to participate in a bidding process for a construction project or other service. 

It usually includes information such as bid schedules, project specifications, drawings, quantities, conditions, and bid forms.

The bid package helps the owner to compare and evaluate different proposals from potential contractors or vendors.

Now, the construction bid package is simply the process of preparing and submitting the bid package.

That being said, now you might be wondering what is a bid schedule in a bid package.

Well, let’s get into it.

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What is a Bid Schedule?

As we mentioned earlier, a bid schedule is usually part of the bid package that is prepared and submitted by the bidders. 

It is a document that lists the work items and quantities that are required for a construction project or other service, along with the unit prices and extensions that form the basis of the bidder’s proposal. 

It helps the owner to compare and evaluate different bids from potential contractors or vendors, as well as to verify the accuracy and completeness of the bids. 

A bid schedule can be organized in different ways, depending on the type and complexity of the project. 

Some of the typically used bid schedules are

Lump Sum Bid Schedule

It is a straightforward format that shows the total price for the entire project without breaking down the individual work items or quantities.

Unit Price Bid Schedule

This is a detailed bid schedule that shows the work items, quantities, unit prices, and extensions for each part of the project, as well as the total price.

Alternate Bid Schedule

This bid schedule format lists the prices for different options or scenarios that the owner may choose from, such as different materials, methods, or designs.

Allowance Bid Schedule

This schedule accounts for work items that are not entirely defined or specified during biddings, such as contingencies, provisional sums, or allowances.

Types of Construction Contracts

Different types of construction contracts are used for different kinds of projects. The type of contract is usually decided by the contractor and the client during the negotiation stage.

Lump-Sum Contract

A lump-sum contract is a commonly used and straightforward agreement that establishes a fixed price for a project, making it suitable for endeavors with precise and detailed specifications. 

While it is easy to comprehend and negotiate, it poses risks for both parties. Contractors may face losses if the project exceeds the budget or if the client alters the scope. 

On the other hand, clients might overpay if the contractor adds a high markup or compromises on quality. Specialty contractors often favor lump-sum contracts, particularly for specific project aspects.

Time and Materials Contract

Time and materials contracts, on the other hand, offer flexibility by compensating the contractor for the actual cost of materials and an agreed-upon labor rate. 

This type is well-suited for projects with vague or evolving scopes. However, managing the budget and schedule can be challenging, and there may be concerns about the contractor’s motivation to complete the project efficiently. 

These contracts are commonly employed in repairs, maintenance, or emergency work scenarios.

Cost-Plus Contract

A cost-plus contract involves the client covering the contractor’s material and labor costs plus an additional amount for profit. 

It provides flexibility for both parties, minimizing the impact of miscalculations on the contractor’s profit margin. 

Clients also have the opportunity to negotiate unreasonable costs, reducing the risk of exploitation by dishonest contractors. However, efficient cash flow management is crucial for contractors under this agreement.

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Unit Price Contract

Unit price contracts are common for projects with parts that have set prices. It’s easy to make the project bigger, but you might not know the total cost if you’re not sure how many parts you need.

Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract

In a guaranteed maximum price contract, the contractor commits not to charge more than a specified amount unless there are significant changes to the project scope. 

Common in well-defined projects with minimal expected variation, this contract is the riskiest for contractors with weak estimating skills. 

They may be responsible for costs exceeding the maximum price, except in cases defined by specific contract criteria, often limited to client-initiated scope changes.

Challenges in Bid Package Construction

However, despite all its advantages, bid project construction comes with its set of challenges, such as:

Low-Bid Mentality

In certain cases, project owners may prioritize the lowest bid above all else. While cost efficiency is important, this approach can potentially sacrifice quality, timelines, and overall project success. 

Contractors, in their pursuit of winning bids, may be tempted to underbid, which can lead to difficulties in delivering the project within the allocated budget and schedule. 

To improve this situation, it’s important for project owners to consider factors beyond cost, such as a contractor’s qualifications, track record, and ability to meet project requirements.

Bid Shopping

It is the unethical practice of revealing one contractor’s bid to another in an attempt to negotiate a lower price. This practice undermines trust and fairness in the bidding process, and it can lead to substandard work as contractors cut corners to reduce costs. 

To address bid shopping, project owners and contractors should uphold the confidentiality of bids and focus on open and honest communication in their dealings.

Bid Rigging

As the name suggests, bid rigging is a highly unethical and illegal practice where contractors collude to manipulate the bidding process, eliminating competition and inflating prices. 

This harmful behavior not only harms project owners but also undermines the public interest and can violate antitrust laws and regulations. 

To combat bid rigging, it’s essential for authorities to actively monitor and enforce fair competition in the construction industry, and contractors must commit to ethical and transparent business practices.

Bid Project Construction Best Practices

To ensure the success and integrity of the bidding process in construction, both project owners and contractors can adopt best practices that promote transparency, fairness, and collaboration. Here are enhanced best practices:

Thorough Research and Due Diligence

Before inviting bids, project owners need to do their homework. Understand what the project involves, look at the current market conditions, and consider any trends. This helps set reasonable expectations and decide if the project is doable.

Contractors need to really dig into everything about the project, the person who owns it, the other companies in the market, and any possible problems before they offer their bid. Understanding all this makes sure your offer is on point and helps avoid unexpected and expensive issues during construction.

Clear and Comprehensive Documentation

When owners share the project details, they must be crystal clear. Give all the info, explain how they will judge the bids, and lay out the rules. Clear documents make the bidding process fair, and everyone knows what’s what.

Likewise, contractors must make sure their bid package is easy to understand, doesn’t contradict itself, and covers everything. Tell them how much it’ll cost, what you’ll do, how well you’ll do it, and when it’ll be done. Being clear helps them compare bids accurately and prevents confusion during the project.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

Project owners and contractors should talk openly and honestly from the start. Create a way to ask questions, clear up doubts, or deal with changes quickly. Working together and helping each other is vital for a smooth project and resolving problems while building.

Evaluation Beyond Cost

Owners shouldn’t just focus on the price; they should also think about the bidder’s skills, experience, and history. It’s important to find a balance between cost and quality for the project to succeed in the long run.

Contractors, on the other hand, show what you’re good at, like your experience and past work. Don’t offer too low a price if it means you can’t do the job well and on time. Quality matters more than just winning with a low bid.

Ethical Conduct and Compliance

It goes without saying that everyone included in the process should always follow the rules and be honest in the bidding process. Don’t cheat or work together with others to manipulate prices or unfairly gain an advantage, as this can get you into legal trouble.

By adhering to these improved best practices, project owners and contractors can create a more transparent and collaborative environment for the bidding process in construction, ultimately leading to successful, high-quality projects that benefit all stakeholders.

Important Construction Bidding Terms

1. Solicitation: When clients ask contractors to send in their project bids, providing details on what’s needed.

2. Contractors: Two main types – subcontractors and general contractors. General contractors bid to clients and gather bids from subcontractors for different project parts.

3. Contract Formation: When a client picks a bid and finalizes the deal terms.

4. Bill of Quantities: It breaks down costs for each project part, giving a detailed material cost breakdown.

5. Bid-Hit Ratio: It is how many bids a company sends for each awarded contract. Varies by expertise, location, and industry. For example, some might have a ratio of 1.5 bids to 1 award, while others may be less successful.

Understanding your bid-hit ratio helps you see how competitive you are and adjust your bidding strategy. Check out local competition and industry trends to figure out what’s right for your business.

What is a Construction Bid Database?

In simple terms, a construction bid database is a valuable resource/software that is designed for construction bidding, neatly organized, and easy to access.

It includes a wide array of information, from current and upcoming projects to contractors, subcontractors, vendors, material costs, and much more. 

By providing this wealth of data, a construction bid database helps construction companies discover, compare, and ultimately prepare and submit competitive and precise bids.

Here are a few examples of construction bid databases:

1. Construction Market Data: This tool focuses on commercial projects and helps subcontractors find the right opportunities.

2. Smartsheet: It’s software that helps create and manage bid packages while working together with your team.

3. InEight: This software is great for making accurate project cost and schedule estimates quickly.

4. Archdesk: It’s software that helps with estimating costs for labor, materials, vendors, equipment, and more.

5. ProEst: This software makes estimating, takeoff, and bid management easier.

These tools give construction professionals what they need to succeed in the competitive world of construction bidding.

Wrapping It Up

Nailing bid package construction is crucial for success in the competitive construction industry. Whether you’re a pro or a newbie, a well-made bid package is your key to standing out, winning contracts, and pushing your business forward.

Even though challenges like the low-bid mindset exist, following best practices—like doing thorough research, communicating clearly, and being ethical—makes a big difference.

Now, bid package construction can get a bit complicated at times, and it is always best to get an expert to do the job for you. And when it comes to bid package construction, Souffront Engineering & Construction (SCE) is your expert partner. 

Whether you’re experienced or new to construction, We are here to help you create winning bid packages. We will guide you through bid schedules, project details, and all the essentials. 

With us, you get a reliable partner invested in your bidding success. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer.

John Souffront

John Souffront is a seasoned leader in the construction and engineering industry, with over a decade of experience at the helm of Souffront Construction & Engineering. Known for his unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation, John has propelled his firm to the forefront of the field, delivering cutting-edge solutions for complex projects around the country.

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